“Run before the storm hits and find shelter in the lord”
Well, when I was here
In this pew
Trying my hardest
To be perfect
I was in the biggest storm of my life
I was stranded
And helpless
And no one was coming to save me
I ran to my parents—
“Pray harder”
I ran to my friends—
“Just leave if you’re unhappy”
I ran to the Bible—
“You’ve done this to yourself”
I ran to God—
I was alone
And I was scared
And I knew no one would come to save me
So I looked at the storm
And I put up my hood
And I ran into the downpour
My clothes were soaked through
I fell on the pavement
Skinned my knee
The skin of my hands was peeling
My feet were blistered and aching
I got up
I kept moving
I lost my jacket—
It didn’t help much anyway
My eyes were clouded from rain
I could only hear the roar of the storm
Only feel the ache in my bones
Only smell the blood on my hands
And then
The ran slowed
I looked up
I saw the sun through the clouds
Small, but bright
I kept moving
And then
The rain stopped
And I was still there.
I realized—
“I made it.”
“I survived.”
“It didn’t kill me.”
I wept.
My hands still bleeding
My feet still aching
But the feelings meant more
They meant I was alive
They meant I wouldn’t forget
Wouldn’t go back
Wouldn’t back down
And now
I keep moving.
